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Ch. Ischyma Hanoeschka *20.03.2005 - 22.06.2012

Ch Darbaschan's Super Strike x Ischyma Comtess
owner: Marion Richter / Ischyma Barsois
eMail: marion-richter-giesen@t-online.de

3 years old

with her cousin Ischyma Garrigue aka Derrick and her halfbrother Ischyma McCauley aka Magic

please click here for the pedigree

German Champion DWZRV
German Champion VDH
Polish Sighthound-Club Winner 2006
FCI-Eurosighthound-Juniorwinner 2006

14 months old


10 months old

9,5 months old

8 months old

6 months old


17 weeks old

ischyma_hanoeschka_17wo.jpg (51122 Byte) ischyma_hanoeschka_17wo1.jpg (46337 Byte) ischyma_hanoeschka_17wo2.jpg (71729 Byte)


14 weeks old


12 weeks old

ischyma_hanoeschka_12w.jpg (111977 Byte)

11 weeks old



10 weeks old


9 weeks old


8 weeks old

7 weeks




6 weeks old 




5 weeks old 


female white with dark brindle




4 weeks old 




3 weeks old



2 weeks old



1 week old


1st day