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CAC-LS Hoope 11/04/09 judge: Wolfgang Richter/D

Maxim got EXC 1 JCAC Juniorcountrywinner Weser-Ems 2009, later he was also Junior BOB and finally Junior Best in Show. We are very happy

Ischyma Kazeem-Fandango (K7) is looking what happened

Juniorclass males
VG4 Gerojskij Gavril Wolkowo, EXC 3 Akim Mraja, EXC 1 JBIS JBOB JCAC LjSg Weser-Ems 09 Ischyma Maxim, EXC 2 RJCAC Scharkow's Biriuk

Lentay was entered in Intermediate class and got EXC 4, in this class 8 males were entered

at the ringside, Petra with Cher


In openclass Ischyma Jaden Triskel received EXC 3 from 8

and Ischyma Kazeem-Fandango got EXC 1 with CAC and VDH

Ischyma Jaden Triskel, photo Gerd-Christian

Steffi with K7

Karin with Jaden

EXC 1 CAC VDH Ischyma Kazeem-Fandango, EXC 2 RVDH Nurejew Kalinow, EXC 3 Ischyma Jaden Triskel, EXC 4 JCh. Orlow Kalinow

in Championclass Ch. Ischyma Junior Triskel won EXC 1 VDH Landessieger Weser-Ems 2009 and finally BOB. We are very proud!!

Karin and Junior

EXC 1 BOB VDH LS Weser-Ems 09 Best Male Ch. Ischyma Junior Triskel, EXC 2 RVDH Ch. Viktor the King du Grand Fresnoy, EXC 3 MCh. Rosjanka's Andrasch, EXC 4 MCh. Blizzard v.d. Windhundranch

at the Ringside Manfred with Jaden

Manfred, Karin and Gunnar watching with Junior and Jaden if K7 will get the CAC

Karin with Junior in competition for Best Male Landessieger

Steffi with Ischyma Kandra, she got EXC in open class with 11 entries

Harald with Cher z Bilmy, she got EXC 3 in open class

Cher z Bilmy, photo Gerd-Christian

Maxime in competition for JuniorBOB

JBOB Ischyma Maxim - JBOS Ginger v.d. Windhundranch

Maxim & Evelyn, photo Gunnar Hansen

BOS Candela Mierzalosc Borzoi - BOB Ischyma Junior Triskel

photo: Gerd-Christian

and finally in the competition for Junior Best in Show

Evelyn, Steffi and Cher

and he got it -Junior Best in Show!!!

Junior in the competition for Best in Show

he was one of the 4 best, we are very happy!!